
my favorite time of the day

dont get me wrong. i love my kids more than life itself. but when they're sound asleep in their beds all snuggled up with their favorite blankies dreaming away is my favorite time of day. i get exhausted. i don't work a full time job and i'm not a full time stay at home mom. i get a good balance of each and don't know why but at the end of the day i'm dunzo. i really don't know if we could add another little babe into this crazy mix. i have felt like an emotional roller coaster lately. thankfully i have my ma for the girl talks and gets me through :) it's hard having your own house, mortgage, bills, and all the other stuff that goes along with owning your house and then all the sudden it's just all gone. i feel that a part of me is gone. and i don't think that's a good thing. and don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining i am more than grateful for the opportunity to not have bills so we can buy our dream house! hopefully i'm just in a funk and can adjust pretty quickly being back home for the short time. i love house hunting and the hoping and dreaming of building our own home next spring. i can't even imagine that would be the best thing. ever.

here's a picture that made me smile. i can't get enough of her.