i'm such a slacker on trying to keep up with this 30 day post.
day {12}: photo of you taken ten years ago. boo. this computer is only 2 years old so i only have pictures that far back. i wish i could dig some oldies up! that would be awesome. my mom has a ton of old pictures, but they're at her house. and i have no scanner. 10 years ago though- i would have just turned 14. it's so crazy how much has happened in just 10 short years. life has gone by way too fast!! i can tell you though, what an awkard stage those pictures would have been. HA!
day {13}: something you're afraid of
i'm scared of a lot of things. being home alone, spiders, snakes, the dark, talking in public, and all sorts of things. the biggest thing that i am afraid of would be losing my kids. i can't even imagine some of the stuff people go through. i read blogs all the time of peoples young kids who have passed away and i honestly don't know how i would go on. my kids are my world. as you can tell by that huge picture for the blog header :)
day {14}: your makeup bag
so embarrassing. i don't even have a make up bag. i have my mascara and eyeliner in the car because it saves time in the morning to just do my make up on the way to taking the kids to school and grandma's. oh and some bronzer when i'm feeling jerseylicious ;) my favorite make up accessory? white eyeliner in middle school it was the best. someone should bring that back.
life right now-
life is crazy. we're trying to rent out our house, we've had a couple people look at it, but no one yet to say they want it. we've started to move stuff into a storage unit and it's becoming real. i'm moving out of my first house. it's bitter sweet. i have loved this house. i just have to stay positive and know the best is yet to come. hopefully