
god bless america

we had so much fun this year on the 4th.
the 4th of july is one of my favorite holidays
there is just something about the bbq's
staying up late
walking around the sandy city thang they put on
and everything else that comes along with the holiday.
this year we went up to the bountiful fireworks
on friday.
carson and her hubs met us there since they live so close.
my kids loved the fireworks!
jagger covered his ears half of the time saying they were too loud ;)
and nixon must have gotten bored by the end of the night and fell
asleep on his daddy.


carson and baby girl. this baby needs to come soon!! i can't wait to meet her.
and how amazing does carson look?
bahhh i wish i looked cute 9 months pregnant!

it was 90 degrees outside and the kid refused to take his jacket off.


i hope everyone had a good 4th!! :)