
the house that built me

i will always love my home. the house that i grew up in. the house that i had chores every saturday morning in. the house that my favorite dog was raised and then passed away in. the house that i had my little girl in. the house that in the summer time night games were a must almost every night. the house where i feel so comfortable until this day. we used to camp out in the back yard on our tampoline- freeze all night and then wake up to the sun shining on our little faces. i will always love this house. i thank my parents for raising us in one home. every night i look outside and can think of hundreds of memories in our front yard. we played from when we woke up {after our saturday jobs were done of course} until it was dark outside and our parents made us come in. it's the home that looks amazing all decorated in christmas galore. the countless thanksgiving dinners with our family. i am so grateful for my home. i can't wait to have my own home for my babes to make their lifelong memories in. i love this place- and whenever i hear miranda lamberts song, it always makes my heart happy